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Here's how you can use this package:

def get_user(request, data: PostCreationSchema) -> {200: PostSchema, 404: MessageOut}:
    if request.user.has_perm('users.add_post'):
        user = Post.objects.create(title=data.title, content=data.content)
        return user  # mapped with PostSchema
        return 404, {
            'message': 'You are not allowed to create a user',
            'alias': 'not_allowed'
        }  # mapped with MessageOut
  • djapify is a decorator that does all the magic; basically, it's a wrapper around the view function.
  • The function signature is def get_user(request, data: PostCreationSchema) -> {200: PostSchema, 404: MessageOut}:
    • The first argument is always the request object.
    • The rest of the arguments are the parameters that you want to accept from the request.
    • The return type -> {200: PostSchema, 404: MessageOut} is a dictionary that maps status codes to Schema[Pydantic models].
  • The return value can be a string, Django model instance, or a Pydantic model instance; it should be mapped to the status code in the return type.
    • If 400, value is returned, it will be mapped with the 400 status code's schema.
    • If 200 value or just value is returned, it will be mapped with the 200 status code's schema.